Parasites in the human body: causes, symptoms and treatment of folk remedies

A serious problem of modernity are parasites.

The under-estimation of their risk combined with the lack of information on the biology of these creatures and the ways of the infection has led to the holders of certain parasites are now at least several billion people.

In this article, we describe in detail, what types of parasites in the human body can be, the reasons for their appearance, as well as the symptoms and methods of control or for any other parasite.


A small digression:Almost all, we have examined the pig as one of the most delicious dishes, especially when it is served with specialties. The pork meat – pork meat that sometimes we consume can be considered as one of the dirtiest sources of meat.

What is the parasite?

A parasite is a living organism by another, larger, body. At the place of location are ectoparasite living on a person from the outside, and endoparasite, infect it from the inside. On the composition of the parasites may be viruses, bacteria, worms, insects and even vertebrates.

The parasites is not something natural. On the contrary, until the scientists have not become aware of what it is and where they come from, people get infected all the time and this was one of the reasons of the low life 1 – 2-century. Indeed, many of the parasites fatal, and in some cases, the life can save only qualified medical intervention.

In others, the disease can last decades, so that the parasites cleverly disguised as other diseases, healed who cannot, and until that will not be solved their real cause.

Kinds of pests

The more close to the nature, the tradition, the greater the likelihood of getting him one of the parasites, or all of them.

Round and tapeworm, fleas, lice, mites, larvae of a gadfly, and wohlfahrtia volare – this is not a complete list of those who are thirsty of flesh and blood, let us examine in more detail the causes, symptoms and treatment at least of the main species of parasites in the human body.

The tapeworm

Tapeworms – the name informal to large tapeworms, such as the wave and the swine tsepen, but also a large tapeworm. The worm resides in the subtle and the large intestine, the first few months in remaining unnoticed, and leads over time to high weight loss of his "master".

In general, the structure of all the tapeworms consists of the head with suction cups, which helminth is attached to the wall of the small intestine, and from a few to hundreds or thousands of segments increases gradually in thickness, in which the maturation of the eggs.

Over time end of the segments detached from the body of the worm and are displayed along with the feces. Their appearance is guaranteed, a sign that it is necessary to take measures, and not a cause of joy that the parasite is released.

For him, it is the normal process of life, in natural conditions, these segments continue to move tens of minutes, and then burst, scattering around of the eggs of the worm. If freecell refers to the spirit of the bovine tapeworm, then the segments spontaneously come out through the anus.

The symptoms of tape worms in humans

The symptoms of the presence of the tape worm in the human body:

  • the stomach pain, the evolution of their location,
  • diarrhea,
  • vomiting,
  • headache.

Given that the support of the tape worm can be almost any animal, before mouse included, it must be concluded that any penetration of dirt in the mouth is potentially dangerous.

If the solitary refers to the spirit of tapeworm broad, this infestation is not enough heat-treated or salted fish.

Pumpkin seeds

The treatment of large tapeworms in humans home

The traditional methods of treatment include:

A few days before the treatment, you should switch to a diet of carbohydrates. Then, use one of the two:

  • The pumpkin seeds. Raw seeds are cleaned and eat in several times with water. Adult enough to 300 g per day, children – 100 is Used only once.
  • Healing from the collection of the following ingredients: 4 parts tansy, and flax seed, ground cloves – 2 parts, 1 part tsmina (immortal), colors, cornflower, sage, pumpkin seeds (ground).

The components of the crush, mix, and take a week to dry, a tablespoon. On the first day – 1 time in the morning, in the second and third days, 2 times, morning and before meals, in the day 3 times per day with a glass of water.

After one of the two preceding paragraphs, the morning fasting is done as an enema, are then taken to another portion of the tool and at the end of 2 hours is given a laxative.

The little worm (up to several meters long) will go up on the question of the availability to one end of the head with suction cups. If it does not exist, the worm was not fully, and in a week the treatment is repeated. For the control after 3 weeks, the process is desirable to repeat in all cases.

Echinococcus (echinococcosis)

Very dangerous helminth, infection which can lead to death. A thin strip of worm, 3-4 mm long and about 1 mm thick, which has the property to form bubbles in the internal organs (including the liver, lungs, and brain).

Echinococcusmarketing the bubble is a fluid-filled cavity, in which the walls are helminths, and occur in the interior of the subsidiaries of the bubbles, including within the subsidiaries. In the volume of this pathology can be up to several liters of the man.

Adult Echinococcus parasite in the small intestine, the larvae of flow of blood are carried out through the portal vein throughout the body. The diagnosis can be performed using the ct scan, stool test, or a reaction of the antibodies to Echinococcus in the body.


The symptoms of a cyst hydatid in man

The symptoms of the Echinococcusoz, especially at the initial stage, can masquerade as other diseases, so the diagnosis makes sense to proceed, if there is a combination of several of these signs:

  • weakness;
  • fatigue;
  • headaches;
  • vomiting;
  • renal colic;
  • low-grade fever;
  • decreased appetite;
  • the weight loss;
  • the severity and pain in the region of the liver.

The treatment Echinococcusoz

Upon detection of this parasite is necessary, a medical treatment with a fast system response. In his absence, you can improve the situation by using national:

  • The collection of kidneys, birch, mint leaves and flowers immortelle. The components are taken in combination of 100:75:75 g, and filled with boiling water at 100 ml of a soup spoon. Drinking: the children of 50 ml adult 100 ml 4 times per day, two weeks to a month.
  • Alcoolate of celandine and of birch buds, in-house. Components skating rinks of vodka in a ratio of 1:5 and left it for a week. Dosage: 1 tablespoon an hour after meals 3 times per day.
  • The tansy. Flowers, insist 2 hours in 1 cup of boiling water over a tablespoon. Take 100 ml per day for one hour before meals.

It should be noted that Echinococcus, being band helminth, constantly attached to hit their body (liver, lungs, brain) and cannot be expelled through the skin using a bath, contrary to the recommendations of eminent personalities from the traditional medicine.

Ascaris (human roundworm)

Round in the cross section to be 20 – 35 cm long, is most often compared to a month and a half. Ascaris, unlike the old varieties, do not have organs of attachment, and are in constant movement in the flow of semi-undigested food, passing through the intestines.

But the evil does not stop. Worms from time to time, breed, and their larvae, which eat away at the lining of the intestine, in exactly the same resonates the body to a current of blood, such as the larvae of earlier forms of de-worming.

A noteworthy fact is to penetrate into the lungs and the sputum through the oral cavity with the sputum, if they are so small, that in most cases, the patient may notice.

In addition, due to the migration of larvae of ascaris can live in the liver, the kidneys, the spleen, the lungs, the brain, tens of years. Do not be so destructive properties, such as Echinococcus, ascaris, however, are capable of causing diseases such as hepatitis b in men, cirrhosis of the liver in women and a brain tumor.

Flax seeds

The symptoms of ascaris

A group of symptoms ascaris, which it is appropriate to note the following:

  • excessive salivation;
  • the weight loss;
  • diarrhea and blood in the mass fecal;
  • allergies and itching of the skin;
  • dyspnea, bronchitis, or pneumonia;
  • low-grade fever;
  • increase of the blood pressure;
  • vomiting and appetite changes;
  • the depression and anxiety.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of the general analysis of kala, what it is necessary to consult a specialized institution.

Treatment ascariasis folk remedies

Applied to the expulsion of roundworm, treatment of folk remedies includes the following recipes:

  • milk enema with the garlic. Clove of garlic infused in a glass of milk and put in an enema for the night. The rate applies to the week.
  • the pumpkin seeds. Similar to that described above, the treatment of tapeworm;
  • dye from the leaves of tarragon and crushed raw pumpkin seeds. The elements taken in equal proportions, add two parts vodka and insist in a dark place of the week. Ready dye used 2 times per day before lunch and dinner, 50 ml;
  • green nuts and pour boiling water at the rate of 1 part of the nuts in 2 parts of water, and insist for a half an hour. A glass of infusion should drink during the day, then take a laxative;

Tools of recovery of the body after the issuance of the parasites

In all cases, the parasites of your stay disrupt the normal functioning of the organs where they were.

Echinococcus in the kidneys and the liver is exposed calcification, ascaris in the lungs and liver of actions that persist even after their death, the tapeworm with its suckers to ruin the wall of the intestine, which increases the risk of duodenal ulcer.

Therefore, the folk medicine recommends to apply it to resolve these consequences, the following recipes:

  • The intestine recovers from the extract of flax seeds. The seeds of brew boiling water from a calculation of a tablespoon in a glass and insist 2 hours. Course of treatment: three times per day, and 50 ml of a week;
  • The recovery is carried out according to the collection: 2 leaves of nettle, 1 piece of fruit, juice and 5 servings of fruits of mountain ash.

The mixture is brewed with boiling water in the same proportion, as in the preceding paragraph and is used in the same way.

The prevention of infection by parasites

Rule n ° 1: you can not say nothing of fish, not enough salty, fried, or baked. Sushi, salted herring or sashimi can be considered to be a gourmet meal. But on the bottom it is the raw fish, the fish is one of the components of the life cycle of parasitic worms.

That all goes: first, the larva enters the mollusk, which does not grow over a certain limit, then a snail eats the fish, the larva enters the digestive tract, while remaining alive, and then grows and multiplies, to get into the muscle tissue of the fish, then the fish eats the dolphin, a seagull, or a white bear. Or decides to join the high-culture japanese visitor to the restaurant.

Safe raw fish to the theory. For this, it must be frozen immediately after catching and thawed just before cooking, or should be cultivated in the fishery farm with the control of the absence of parasites. But to check if the risk dish has been prepared from it, it is usually impossible.


With meat, you must comply with the same caution, don't try to gross the stuffing, and freshly-salted fat.

In addition, in order not to be infected with helminths, the vegetables before eating them, it is necessary to wash the hands also. Be a element of the natural environment, these parasites in the body of the man were spread a little everywhere.

Any contact of the food or with the hands with the earth, the earth of the dust and the vegetation is able to leave on the eating habits of their eggs are microscopic. In case of penetration into the intestine from eggs results contain the text of the earthworms, of which the delete will not be easy.

There are parasites that attack just passing through or vacationers to the nature of the man, such are, for example:

  • the malaria plasmodium from the saliva of a mosquito of the genus culex,
  • the causative agent of encephalitis, is present in the saliva Ixodes mites,
  • horsefly and wolfarth volare.

Their prevention is the application of all kinds of repellents hiking through the wilderness, as well as in the protection of exposed areas of the body (mosquito nets, a grid, a special gel).

However, what to do if prevention has not helped? So, how to attack known for a long time, it is also known for a long time and the treatment of ways.

And finally, we can note that the observance of simple rules of hygiene and sanitation, the destruction of flies and cockroaches, can significantly reduce the risk of infection by parasites, leading to serious consequences.